We have specialist expertise in-house and within the EPG network to apply our comprehensive approach to strategy development, which includes:

  • A thorough understanding of your event requirements, clients and stakeholders
  • Assessment and feasibility of meeting your event’s technical requirements
  • Development of solutions that can deliver the requirements

Our strategy also involves the selection of the most experienced industry professionals and external advisers in relation to your event. We will work with you through a selection process to achieve a formidable consortium. This allows us to manage the process in line with the developed strategy and budget constraints.


EPG has formed strategic alliances with industry leaders and has partnered with the most knowledgeable and experienced global event firms who have supported some of the most famous host city bidding applications for the Olympic Games since 1996.

Event Strategy Services In Focus

Our event strategy services spans both our strategic planning and operational planning phase, which is often defined as pre and post-bid activities. Below is a high-level summary of the key event strategy services that we offer to assist your organisation and its stakeholders plan and deliver your upcoming event. You can also download our Event Strategy in Focus brochure which has greater detail about the services we offer.

Bid Support

The process of bidding for and winning global events and conferences can be a complex process, but our team of strategic experts are there to help you throughout the entire process from developing your event ‘bid book’ documentation and high level event delivery programme, cost estimates and budgets, through to site and venue assessment and selection, outlining temporary versus permanent infrastructure to be utilised, as well as the creation of event legacy goals and objectives e.g. in sport, environment, education, business and urban planning and infrastructure.

Master Planning

Master planning sets the foundations for your event and subsequent operational phases of the event life cycle, including key client and stakeholder mapping, outlining key roles, responsibilities and event structures as well as setting the vision and strategic objectives for the event life cycle. Master planning also includes establishing high level milestones, key deliverables and interdependencies as well as budgetary planning and cost modelling.

Feasibility Studies

While a feasibility study can be completed in isolation it is often done as part of the strategic planning phase and includes venue assessment, evaluation of technical requirements, gap analysis studies, including identification of rectification measures required and lastly the identification of revenue generating opportunities not currently realised.

Concept of Operations

Turning our focus to operational delivery, we look to elaborate on the approaches outlined within our master plan, including the concept of operations development for key departments, the identification of stakeholders and client groups and the development of client service levels.

Operations Planning

In operations planning we outline the concept of operations in more detail for functional areas including defining the development approach to key service delivery areas and how the services will be delivered, detailed planning of resource requirements, stakeholder engagement and emergency planning.

Our Track Record

See how we have helped some of the most famous host cities in their event strategy development, including: